Emergency Service
RACES Training Frequencies
Alternate Saturday morning
0715 hrs MST: Southern Region RACES 3.865MHzEvery Sunday morning
0730 hrs MST: AZ RACES 3.990MHzEvery second & fourth Wednesday
2000 hrs MST: Cochise County RACES Training 147.020 (-)(PL 162)RACES Individual Training
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National Qualification System Position Task Books
Emergency Communications
The Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society was founded in October of 1974, with the purpose of uniting the Amateurs in Southeastern Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico into a working group that would promote amateur radio in the region.

The net meets each day practicing the passing of formal written NTS Radiogram Traffic messages into and out of our coverage area.

“AUXCOMM” is an umbrella term and acronym for “auxiliary communications.” It was developed by CISA in 2009 with the assistance of amateur radio subject matter experts. The concept behind the acronym was to educate as many amateur radio entities to work and train with public safety personnel, understand the value of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) concept and the role of the communications unit leader (COML). AUXCOMM, although not an official national ICS position as of yet, is most often identified as a Technical Specialist (THSP) in the Communications Unit of the NIMS ICS structure.