CQ CQ CQ This is K7RDG

If you are looking for the Fine Arts Gallery in Hackensack New Jersey, the band must be bad and we can't get there with this equipment, we apologize search engine optimization is not what is used to be.

However, if you are looking for information about one of the most unique and rewarding hobbies in the world you are just where you need to be. Amateur Radio otherwise known as HAM radio has something for everyone, and we are glad you are here.


Thank you reaching Paradise for our SES!

Due to some technical issues, the digital QSL cards were delayed but are now ready to be downloaded.

! Click here to Download your QSL Card Now !

License Testing

Our Next VE Testing session will be on the 22nd of February

WFD starts at 1:00 pm MST on Saturday, the 22nd at Our Club location

2756 S Moson Rd, Sierra Vista, AZ, USA